10 Must-Haves To Make Your New Puppy’s First Months At Home Pure Bliss
Top 10 Must-Haves for Your Adorable New Puppy: Give Your Furry Friend the Best Start in Life!
1. Food Feed the so they grow into a healthy, happy adult dogs. We like freeze dried and dog foods without preservatives
2. Food and water bowls Avoid plastic bowl as scratches on the plastic can harbour bacteria. Ceramic and stainless steel are good choices.
3. Leash and Collar Keep your pups safe during walks!
4. Bed, Pee Tray, Pee Pad and Containment area An area where you can monitor and housetrain your pups is a must. This can be a playpen, crates or baby gates.
5. Treats Train and motivate your dogs with treats. Select natural and holistic treats free of preservatives. We like freeze dried for this purpose
6. Dental Care: Chews, Toothpaste/Toothbrush Chew bones and tendons are essential to remove plaque and great for teething. Alternatively, start the habit of daily toothbrushing since young.
8. Shampoo, Brush Use shampoo with no harsh chemicals for the weekly bath and grooming.
9. Ear Cleaner Use essential ear oil cleaner weekly to keep your pup’s ear free of infection or mites. We use the oil based ones cos it helps better than the detergent based kind.
10. Tick and Flea Preventative Our hot and humid weather is perfect breeding ground for ticks. Have a piece of mind when your pup go on walks or play in the park. This is usually a preventative as well as a treatment option. We use Revolution spot on treatment and it works wonderful. There are oral ones but they run some risks with some negative anecdotes of them making the puppy sick